Review of the Tiers of Government
There are seven levels of social territory and correspondingly seven tiers of political organization. We can now summarize the framework and then review various implications.
This Matrix-Table summarizes the
For territory synonyms, go to the relevant webpages by clicking on the political organization.Tier | Political Territory | Essential Nature |
Political Organization | Political Value |
Primary Political Concern |
7 | The Earth | Humanity sharing the planet | Global Assembly
(UN aspires to this role.) |
Co-existence | Promoting the rights of man and protection of the global ecosystem. |
6 | Group of similar adjacent countries | Feelings of cultural commonality | Consortium of Nation-states | Harmony | Developing wider cultural links and greater security. |
5 | Country with a Culture | Cultural identity | National Government | Sovereignty | Protecting the nation: its borders, and sense of cultural unity; plus doing what society requires. |
4 | Culturally-distinct Region | Distinct sub-cultural and socio-geographic features. | Regional Government | Autonomy | Sustaining and developing the regional cultural identity. |
3 | Town or District | Area of daily travel for most services and recreation. | Local Government | Responsiveness | Regulating the collective necessities of daily life. |
2 | Neighbourhood | An area able to be walked around while getting to know many families. | Neighbourhood Council | Familiarity | Regulating the immediate environment. |
1 | Physical Home | Area for personal living. | Household | Privacy | Regulating personal autonomy and belonging. |

The distinction between politics and government, made at the outset, is further clarified here in that all 7 Levels are in the sense of using power and wealth for the good of all;
but only 4 Levels are in the sense of producing rules (laws) backed by force to ensure adherence.
- are —and use laws, regulations, or bye-laws.
- and are —and use explicit agreements or protocols based on willingness of member states to legislate: expulsion of a member-state is possible for infringements.
- is —and uses conventions and household rules based on the disposition and willingness of inhabitants: punishment of residents or family members is governed by social norms; and expulsion from the household is possible. Unlike other tiers, an individual can create a household by their own efforts.

The most powerful tiers seem to be
and . Each has a wholeness and seeming self-sufficiency. However, that view may be misleading from a longer-term perspective. Changes in culture are what drive changes in political organizationThe
is often formed through conquest, and then its hold over its is necessarily weak unless it is determined to use violent force.Although
are often problematic, the intrinsic strength of their (sub)culture, determines the configuration of the , which is the element of any and .
is a function of people living in that district (i.e. ) and changes in work-patterns or living arrangements can radically alter the political situation.The views of
determine what counts as a and shape the . Life here is practical, and cultural issues are usually irrelevant unless stoked at higher tiers.
- Continue to political tiers and services to citizens;
- Check out FAQ's when theory meets reality;
- Imagine the evolution of territorial organization.
Originally posted: August-2009; Last updated: 15-Nov-2010